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Fashion Mumblr says to just do it...

We hear it all the time " Just Start" " Just do it" . Simply think of Nike commercials or apparels. However, the voice of one of my favorites  Youtuber and Blogger Fashion Mumblr came to mind from one of her vlogs where she was giving advices on how to become an influencer, saying "Just Start".
The truth is I " Just Started" a few years ago. Actually I "Just Started" twice. I wasn't even aware of this world of blogging and social media back then. So, no need to say I was not motivated to become an influencer. All I wanted was an outlet to pour my soul, okay, okay  that's a little dramatic, let just say to pour my thoughts.
I tried the journal/diaries experiences at many occasions. For a reason or another it never stick. and here I am now at 3:25 AM "Just Started".
What I come to realize is that there are so much and so much we want to start but either not enough guts, being lazy, lack of motivations, lack of self-believe always find a way to make us just "Don't do it" or "Quit do it" way before we start. But most of the time these things we do not start, or quit before we start are the gates of our happiness.. The gates of our life's purpose. As I am currently typing and trying to "Just Start" for a third time, I can feel the joy taking over. The excitement. Suddenly, I am thinking maybe this is for real this time. Why do I think so you are asking? Because for the first time I feel this rush just by typing, weird but maybe I can do this as I believe it to be one of my purposes.
The best think is every second is a new beginning. We usually have a specific time to start over, or start something new such as Monday, New year, Next Month, Next week, etc but if I can leave you with one thing is to realize that every second is a new beginning. Now just now, You can "Just Start"  simply "Just do it", whatever it is, whatever you have been thinking about. Any time is a good time to start...

So cheers to all the new starts (regardless if it is not our first)! Oh! Also I am sharing some of my favorite quotes...

Have a good one!
Kati :-)
